Maxwell Newhouse
Maxwell Newhouse
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Maxwell Newhouse
RCMP Musical Ride

In finding out what it was to be truly Canadian I became very interested in our world famous Musical Ride. Imagining what it would be like to go across this great land of ours with the ride and how every province and community would take part in the world class event. I have been very lucky to see the ride a number of times and to meet all the members of the ride in 2001 in my hometown of Chilliwack, B.C.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police were formed in 1874 traveling on horseback into dangerous unexplored areas to serve and protect this vast newland and its citizens. Later the musical ride was established and has performed in many countries around the world. It will always remain as one of the great national symbols of Canada.

South Granville Banner
When you are on South Granville look up, look way up and check out the delightful and colorful street banners, by folk artist Maxwell Newhouse.
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The House that Max Built
The House that Max built is published by Tundra and is due to release April 8, 2008
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Lets Go for a Ride
Lets Go for a Ride, was nominated for the Governor Generals award for Childrens illustration 2006
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Driftwood furniture price list 2008
Prices for driftwood furniture for 2008 Special orders on request.
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CBC Radio Vinyl Café
I have had the wonderful opportunity to meet Stuart McLean host of the Vinyl Cafe on CBC radio.
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